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move2kube transform

Transform using move2kube plan


Transform artifacts using move2kube plan

move2kube transform [flags]


  -f, --config strings                Specify config file locations.
      --config-out string             Specify config file output location. (default ".")
  -c, --customizations string         Specify directory where customizations are stored.
      --disable-local-execution       Allow files to be executed locally.
  -h, --help                          help for transform
      --ignore-env                    Ignore data from local machine.
  -n, --name string                   Specify the project name. (default "myproject")
  -o, --output string                 Path for output. Default will be directory with the project name. (default ".")
      --overwrite                     Overwrite the output directory if it exists. By default we don't overwrite.
  -p, --plan string                   Specify a plan file to execute. (default "m2k.plan")
      --preset strings                Specify preset config to use.
      --qa-cache-out string           Specify cache file output location. (default ".")
      --qa-persist-passwords          Stores passwords too in the config.
      --qa-skip                       Enable/disable the default answers to questions posed in QA Cli sub-system. If disabled, you will have to answer the questions posed by QA during interaction.
      --set-config stringArray        Specify config key-value pairs.
  -s, --source string                 Specify source directory to transform. If you already have a m2k.plan then this will override the sourceDir value specified in that plan.
  -t, --transformer-selector string   Specify the transformer selector.

Options inherited from parent commands

      --log-file string    File to store the logs in. By default it only prints to console.
      --log-level string   Set logging levels. (default "info")


  • move2kube - Move2Kube creates all the resources required for deploying your application into kubernetes, including containerisation and kubernetes resources.
Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 24-Jan-2022