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Migrating and deploying .NET Core applications to Kubernetes


In this tutorial, we will learn how to migrate and deploy .NET Core applications to Kubernetes cluster using Move2Kube. We will use the target artifacts generated by Move2Kube to deploy the applications to a Kubernetes cluster. Here, we are going to use the data from samples/dotnet5.


  1. Install Move2Kube

  2. Install a container runtime: Docker or Podman

  3. Install Kubectl

    To verify that dependencies were correctly installed you can run the below commands.

    $ docker version


    $ podman info
    $ kubectl version
  4. Download the samples/dotnet5 sample from move2kube-demos repository

     $ curl | bash -s -- -d samples/dotnet5 -r move2kube-demos

    Let’s see the structure inside the ./dotnet5 directory. It has four different applications-

    • dotnetwebapp - an ASP.NET Core web application.
    • dotnetangular - an ASP.NET Core application with Angular for client-side code.
    • dotnetreact - an ASP.NET Core application with React for client-side code.
    • dotnetreact-redux - an ASP.NET Core application with React and Redux for client-side code.
    $ tree dotnet5 -L 2
    ├── dotnet5angular
    │   ├── ClientApp
    │   ├── Controllers
    │   ├── Pages
    │   ├── Program.cs
    │   ├── Properties
    │   ├── Startup.cs
    │   ├── WeatherForecast.cs
    │   ├── appsettings.Development.json
    │   ├── appsettings.json
    │   ├── dotnet5angular.csproj
    │   ├── dotnet5angular.sln
    │   └── wwwroot
    ├── dotnet5react
    │   ├── ClientApp
    │   ├── Controllers
    │   ├── Pages
    │   ├── Program.cs
    │   ├── Properties
    │   ├── Startup.cs
    │   ├── WeatherForecast.cs
    │   ├── appsettings.Development.json
    │   ├── appsettings.json
    │   ├── dotnet5react.csproj
    │   ├── dotnet5react.sln
    │   ├── log.cs
    │   └── obj
    ├── dotnet5react-redux
    │   ├── ClientApp
    │   ├── Controllers
    │   ├── Pages
    │   ├── Program.cs
    │   ├── Properties
    │   ├── Startup.cs
    │   ├── WeatherForecast.cs
    │   ├── appsettings.Development.json
    │   ├── appsettings.json
    │   ├── dotnet5react-redux.csproj
    │   └── dotnet5react-redux.sln
    └── dotnet5webapp
        ├── Pages
        ├── Program.cs
        ├── Properties
        ├── Startup.cs
        ├── appsettings.Development.json
        ├── appsettings.json
        ├── dotnet5webapp.csproj
        ├── dotnet5webapp.sln
        └── wwwroot
    21 directories, 28 files

Steps to generate target artifacts

We will be using the two stage process (plan and transform) for the transformation. Run these steps from the directory containing the ./dotnet5/ directory:

  1. First we create a plan on how to transform the applications to run on Kubernetes. In the plan phase, Move2Kube is going to go through the source artifacts and going to come up with a plan for us.

     $ cd samples
     $ move2kube plan -s dotnet5
     INFO[0000] Configuration loading done                   
     INFO[0000] Planning Transformation - Base Directory     
     INFO[0000] [DockerfileDetector] Planning transformation 
     INFO[0000] [DockerfileDetector] Done                    
     INFO[0000] [CloudFoundry] Planning transformation       
     INFO[0000] [CloudFoundry] Done                          
     INFO[0000] [ComposeAnalyser] Planning transformation    
     INFO[0000] [ComposeAnalyser] Done                       
     INFO[0000] [Base Directory] Identified 0 named services and 0 to-be-named services 
     INFO[0000] Transformation planning - Base Directory done 
     INFO[0000] Planning Transformation - Directory Walk     
     INFO[0000] Identified 1 named services and 0 to-be-named services in dotnet5angular 
     INFO[0000] Identified 1 named services and 0 to-be-named services in dotnet5react 
     INFO[0000] Identified 1 named services and 0 to-be-named services in dotnet5react-redux 
     INFO[0000] Identified 1 named services and 0 to-be-named services in dotnet5webapp 
     INFO[0000] Transformation planning - Directory Walk done 
     INFO[0000] [Directory Walk] Identified 4 named services and 0 to-be-named services 
     INFO[0000] [Named Services] Identified 4 named services 
     INFO[0000] No of services identified : 4                
     INFO[0000] Plan can be found at [/Users/user/github/move2kube-demos/samples/m2k.plan].
    • It has created a m2k.plan which is essentially a yaml file. Let’s see what is inside the plan file.
     kind: Plan
       name: myproject
       sourceDir: dotnet5
           - transformerName: DotNetCore-Dockerfile
                 - dotnet5angular/dotnet5angular.csproj
                 - dotnet5angular/dotnet5angular.sln
                 - dotnet5angular
           - transformerName: DotNetCore-Dockerfile
                 - dotnet5react/dotnet5react.csproj
                 - dotnet5react/dotnet5react.sln
                 - dotnet5react
           - transformerName: DotNetCore-Dockerfile
                 - dotnet5react-redux/dotnet5react-redux.csproj
                 - dotnet5react-redux/dotnet5react-redux.sln
                 - dotnet5react-redux
           - transformerName: DotNetCore-Dockerfile
                 - dotnet5webapp/dotnet5webapp.csproj
                 - dotnet5webapp/dotnet5webapp.sln
                 - dotnet5webapp
         Buildconfig: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/kubernetes/buildconfig/buildconfig.yaml
         CloudFoundry: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/cloudfoundry/cloudfoundry.yaml
         ClusterSelector: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/kubernetes/clusterselector/clusterselector.yaml
         ComposeAnalyser: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/compose/composeanalyser/composeanalyser.yaml
         ComposeGenerator: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/compose/composegenerator/composegenerator.yaml
         ContainerImagesPushScriptGenerator: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/containerimage/containerimagespushscript/containerimagespushscript.yaml
         DockerfileDetector: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/dockerfile/dockerfiledetector/dockerfiledetector.yaml
         DockerfileImageBuildScript: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/dockerfile/dockerimagebuildscript/dockerfilebuildscriptgenerator.yaml
         DockerfileParser: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/dockerfile/dockerfileparser/dockerfileparser.yaml
         DotNetCore-Dockerfile: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/dockerfilegenerator/dotnetcore/dotnetcore.yaml
         EarAnalyser: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/dockerfilegenerator/java/earanalyser/ear.yaml
         EarRouter: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/dockerfilegenerator/java/earrouter/earrouter.yaml
         Golang-Dockerfile: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/dockerfilegenerator/golang/golang.yaml
         Gradle: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/dockerfilegenerator/java/gradle/gradle.yaml
         Jar: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/dockerfilegenerator/java/jar/jar.yaml
         Jboss: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/dockerfilegenerator/java/jboss/jboss.yaml
         Knative: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/kubernetes/knative/knative.yaml
         Kubernetes: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/kubernetes/kubernetes/kubernetes.yaml
         KubernetesVersionChanger: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/kubernetes/kubernetesversionchanger/kubernetesversionchanger.yaml
         Liberty: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/dockerfilegenerator/java/liberty/liberty.yaml
         Maven: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/dockerfilegenerator/java/maven/maven.yaml
         Nodejs-Dockerfile: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/dockerfilegenerator/nodejs/nodejs.yaml
         PHP-Dockerfile: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/dockerfilegenerator/php/php.yaml
         Parameterizer: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/kubernetes/parameterizer/parameterizer.yaml
         Python-Dockerfile: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/dockerfilegenerator/python/python.yaml
         ReadMeGenerator: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/readmegenerator/readmegenerator.yaml
         Ruby-Dockerfile: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/dockerfilegenerator/ruby/ruby.yaml
         Rust-Dockerfile: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/dockerfilegenerator/rust/rust.yaml
         Tekton: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/kubernetes/tekton/tekton.yaml
         Tomcat: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/dockerfilegenerator/java/tomcat/tomcat.yaml
         WarAnalyser: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/dockerfilegenerator/java/waranalyser/war.yaml
         WarRouter: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/dockerfilegenerator/java/warrouter/warrouter.yaml
         WinConsoleApp-Dockerfile: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/dockerfilegenerator/windows/winconsole/winconsole.yaml
         WinSLWebApp-Dockerfile: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/dockerfilegenerator/windows/winsilverlightweb/winsilverlightweb.yaml
         WinWebApp-Dockerfile: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/dockerfilegenerator/windows/winweb/winweb.yaml
         ZuulAnalyser: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/dockerfilegenerator/java/zuul/zuulanalyser.yaml
    • In the plan, you can see that Move2Kube has detected all the four services (dotnet5webapp, dotnet5angular, dotnet5react-redux, dotnet5react) and relative paths of the detected .csproj and/or .sln files for each of the services.
    • Also, the plan file is saying that the applications can be transformed using Move2Kube’s built-in DotNetCore-Dockerfile transformer.
  2. Let’s invoke move2kube transform on this plan.

     $ move2kube transform
     INFO[0000] Detected a plan file at path /Users/username/github/move2kube-demos/samples/m2k.plan. Will transform using this plan. 
     ? Select all transformer types that you are interested in:
     [Services that don't support any of the transformer types you are interested in will be ignored.]
         [Use arrows to move, space to select, <right> to all, <left> to none, type to filter]
       > [✓]  Jboss
         [✓]  Kubernetes
         [✓]  Liberty
         [✓]  ZuulAnalyser
         [✓]  CloudFoundry
         [✓]  DockerfileParser
         [✓]  Golang-Dockerfile
         [✓]  Gradle
         [✓]  Python-Dockerfile
         [✓]  ReadMeGenerator
         [✓]  ContainerImagesPushScriptGenerator
         [✓]  DotNetCore-Dockerfile
         [✓]  Parameterizer
         [✓]  Tekton
         [✓]  WinSLWebApp-Dockerfile
         [✓]  Buildconfig
         [✓]  ClusterSelector
         [✓]  ComposeAnalyser
         [✓]  PHP-Dockerfile
         [✓]  Ruby-Dockerfile
         [✓]  WinConsoleApp-Dockerfile
         [✓]  DockerfileImageBuildScript
         [✓]  EarRouter
         [✓]  Rust-Dockerfile
         [✓]  Tomcat
         [✓]  WarAnalyser
         [✓]  EarAnalyser
         [✓]  Knative
         [✓]  Maven
         [✓]  WinWebApp-Dockerfile
         [✓]  ComposeGenerator
         [✓]  Jar
         [✓]  DockerfileDetector
         [✓]  KubernetesVersionChanger
         [✓]  Nodejs-Dockerfile
         [✓]  WarRouter
    • Let’s go ahead with the default answer by pressing return or enter key.
     Jboss, Kubernetes, Liberty, ZuulAnalyser, CloudFoundry, DockerfileParser, Golang-Dockerfile, Gradle, Python-Dockerfile, ReadMeGenerator, ContainerImagesPushScriptGenerator, DotNetCore-Dockerfile, Parameterizer, Tekton, WinSLWebApp-Dockerfile, Buildconfig, ClusterSelector, ComposeAnalyser, PHP-Dockerfile, Ruby-Dockerfile, WinConsoleApp-Dockerfile, DockerfileImageBuildScript, EarRouter, Rust-Dockerfile, Tomcat, WarAnalyser, EarAnalyser, Knative, Maven, WinWebApp-Dockerfile, ComposeGenerator, Jar, DockerfileDetector, KubernetesVersionChanger, Nodejs-Dockerfile, WarRouter
     ? Select all services that are needed:
     [The services unselected here will be ignored.]
       [Use arrows to move, space to select, <right> to all, <left> to none, type to filter]
     > [✓]  dotnet5angular
       [✓]  dotnet5react
       [✓]  dotnet5react-redux
       [✓]  dotnet5webapp
    • Here, we select all the services.
      dotnet5angular, dotnet5react, dotnet5react-redux, dotnet5webapp
     INFO[0068] Starting Plan Transformation                 
     INFO[0068] Iteration 1                                  
     INFO[0068] Iteration 2 - 4 artifacts to process         
     INFO[0068] Transformer DotNetCore-Dockerfile processing 4 artifacts 
     ? Select ports to be exposed for the service dotnet5angular :
     [Select Other if you want to add more ports]
       [Use arrows to move, space to select, <right> to all, <left> to none, type to filter]
     > [✓]  5000
       [ ]  Other (specify custom option)
    • It’s asking to select the port on which you want to expose the dotnet5angular service, let’s go ahead with the port 5000 which has been detected in the source code.
     ? Select ports to be exposed for the service dotnet5react :
     [Select Other if you want to add more ports]
       [Use arrows to move, space to select, <right> to all, <left> to none, type to filter]
     > [✓]  5000
       [ ]  Other (specify custom option)
    • Let’s go ahead with the port 5000 for the dotnet5react service.
     ? Select ports to be exposed for the service dotnet5react-redux :
     [Select Other if you want to add more ports]
       [Use arrows to move, space to select, <right> to all, <left> to none, type to filter]
     > [✓]  5000
       [ ]  Other (specify custom option)
    • For the dotnet5react-redux service also, we go ahead with the default selected port.
     ? Select ports to be exposed for the service dotnet5webapp :
     [Select Other if you want to add more ports]
       [Use arrows to move, space to select, <right> to all, <left> to none, type to filter]
     > [✓]  5000
       [ ]  Other (specify custom option)
    • For the dotnetwebapp service, let’s go ahead with the default selected port.
     INFO[1152] Transformer DotNetCore-Dockerfile Done       
     INFO[1152] Created 8 pathMappings and 8 artifacts. Total Path Mappings : 8. Total Artifacts : 4. 
     INFO[1152] Iteration 3 - 8 artifacts to process         
     INFO[1152] Transformer DockerfileImageBuildScript processing 5 artifacts 
     ? Select the container runtime to use :
     [The container runtime selected will be used in the scripts]
       [Use arrows to move, type to filter]
     > podman
    • Select the container runtime you want to use. For this tutorial, we select podman as the container runtime.
     INFO[1274] Transformer DockerfileImageBuildScript Done  
     INFO[1274] Transformer DockerfileParser processing 4 artifacts 
     INFO[1274] Transformer ZuulAnalyser processing 2 artifacts 
     INFO[1274] Transformer ZuulAnalyser Done                
     INFO[1274] Transformer DockerfileParser Done            
     INFO[1275] Created 1 pathMappings and 7 artifacts. Total Path Mappings : 9. Total Artifacts : 12. 
     INFO[1275] Iteration 4 - 7 artifacts to process         
     INFO[1275] Transformer ClusterSelector processing 2 artifacts 
     ? Choose the cluster type:
     [Choose the cluster type you would like to target]
       [Use arrows to move, type to filter]
     > Kubernetes
    • Now, it asks to select the cluster type you want to deploy to. Here, we select the Kubernetes cluster type.
     INFO[1331] Transformer ClusterSelector Done             
     INFO[1331] Transformer Kubernetes processing 2 artifacts 
     ? What URL/path should we expose the service dotnet5webapp's 5000 port on?
     [Enter :- not expose the service, Leave out leading / to use first part as subdomain, Add :N as suffix for NodePort service type, Add :L for Load Balancer service type]
     (/dotnet5webapp) dotnetwebapp
    • We leave out the leading / to use the first part dotnetwebapp as subdomain (as specified in the Hints).
     ? What URL/path should we expose the service dotnet5react-redux's 5000 port on?
     [Enter :- not expose the service, Leave out leading / to use first part as subdomain, Add :N as suffix for NodePort service type, Add :L for Load Balancer service type]
     (/dotnet5react-redux) dotnet5react-redux
    • Again, we leave out the leading / to use the first part dotnetreact-redux as subdomain.
     ? What URL/path should we expose the service dotnet5react's 5000 port on?
     [Enter :- not expose the service, Leave out leading / to use first part as subdomain, Add :N as suffix for NodePort service type, Add :L for Load Balancer service type]
     (/dotnet5react) dotnet5react
    • For the dotnet5react service also, we leave out the leading / to use the first part dotnetreact as subdomain.
     ? What URL/path should we expose the service dotnet5angular's 5000 port on?
     [Enter :- not expose the service, Leave out leading / to use first part as subdomain, Add :N as suffix for NodePort service type, Add :L for Load Balancer service type]
     (/dotnet5angular) dotnet5angular
    • Here, we leave out the leading / to use the first part dotnetangular as subdomain.
     ? Provide the minimum number of replicas each service should have
     [If the value is 0 pods won't be started by default]
    • Let’s go ahead with the default answer again, which means 2 replicas for each service.
     ? Enter the URL of the image registry : 
     [You can always change it later by changing the yamls.]
       [Use arrows to move, type to filter]
       Other (specify custom option)
    • Then it asks to select the registry where your images are hosted. Here, we are selecting Select ‘Other’ if your registry name is not here.
     ? Enter the namespace where the new images should be pushed :  
      [Ex : myproject]
      (myproject) m2k-tutorial
    • Input the namespace under which you want to deploy- m2k-tutorial. (Say, you have namespace m2k-tutorial in
     ? [] What type of container registry login do you want to use?
      [Docker login from config mode, will use the default config from your local machine.]
       [Use arrows to move, type to filter]
       Use existing pull secret
     > No authentication
    • Select the container registry login type.
      No authentication
     ? Provide the ingress host domain
      [Ingress host domain is part of service URL]
    • It is now asking for the ingress hosting domain. It can be grabbed from the cluster you are going to deploy to. The ingress hosting domain will differ based on the cluster you are fetching from.
     ? Provide the TLS secret for ingress
      [Leave empty to use http]
    • Then it asks information about your TLS secret. Here we go with the by-default by pressing the ‘return’ key.
     INFO[1850] Transformer Kubernetes Done                  
     INFO[1850] Transformer ComposeGenerator processing 2 artifacts 
     INFO[1851] Transformer ComposeGenerator Done            
     INFO[1851] Transformer ClusterSelector processing 2 artifacts 
     INFO[1851] Transformer ClusterSelector Done             
     INFO[1851] Transformer Buildconfig processing 2 artifacts 
     INFO[1851] Transformer Buildconfig Done                 
     INFO[1851] Transformer ClusterSelector processing 2 artifacts 
     INFO[1851] Transformer ClusterSelector Done             
     INFO[1851] Transformer Knative processing 2 artifacts   
     INFO[1851] Transformer Knative Done                     
     INFO[1851] Transformer ClusterSelector processing 2 artifacts 
     INFO[1851] Transformer ClusterSelector Done             
     INFO[1851] Transformer Tekton processing 2 artifacts    
     INFO[1851] Transformer Tekton Done                      
     INFO[1851] Transformer ContainerImagesPushScriptGenerator processing 2 artifacts 
     INFO[1851] Transformer ContainerImagesPushScriptGenerator Done 
     INFO[1852] Created 33 pathMappings and 7 artifacts. Total Path Mappings : 42. Total Artifacts : 19. 
     INFO[1852] Iteration 5 - 7 artifacts to process         
     INFO[1852] Transformer Parameterizer processing 4 artifacts 
     INFO[1852] Transformer Parameterizer Done               
     INFO[1852] Transformer ReadMeGenerator processing 5 artifacts 
     INFO[1852] Transformer ReadMeGenerator Done             
     INFO[1852] Plan Transformation done                     
     INFO[1852] Transformed target artifacts can be found at [/Users/username/github/move2kube-demos/samples/myproject].

Finally, the transformation is successful and the target artifacts can be found inside the ./myproject directory. The overview of the structure of the ./myproject directory can be seen by executing the below command.

$  tree myproject -L 3
├── deploy
│   ├── cicd
│   │   ├── tekton
│   │   └── tekton-parameterized
│   ├── compose
│   │   └── docker-compose.yaml
│   ├── knative
│   │   ├── dotnet5angular-service.yaml
│   │   ├── dotnet5react-redux-service.yaml
│   │   ├── dotnet5react-service.yaml
│   │   └── dotnet5webapp-service.yaml
│   ├── knative-parameterized
│   │   ├── helm-chart
│   │   ├── kustomize
│   │   └── openshift-template
│   ├── yamls
│   │   ├── dotnet5angular-deployment.yaml
│   │   ├── dotnet5angular-service.yaml
│   │   ├── dotnet5react-deployment.yaml
│   │   ├── dotnet5react-redux-deployment.yaml
│   │   ├── dotnet5react-redux-service.yaml
│   │   ├── dotnet5react-service.yaml
│   │   ├── dotnet5webapp-deployment.yaml
│   │   ├── dotnet5webapp-service.yaml
│   │   └── myproject-ingress.yaml
│   └── yamls-parameterized
│       ├── helm-chart
│       ├── kustomize
│       └── openshift-template
├── scripts
│   ├── builddockerimages.bat
│   ├──
│   ├── pushimages.bat
│   └──
└── source
    ├── dotnet5angular
    │   ├── ClientApp
    │   ├── Controllers
    │   ├── Dockerfile
    │   ├── Pages
    │   ├── Program.cs
    │   ├── Properties
    │   ├── Startup.cs
    │   ├── WeatherForecast.cs
    │   ├── appsettings.Development.json
    │   ├── appsettings.json
    │   ├── dotnet5angular.csproj
    │   ├── dotnet5angular.sln
    │   └── wwwroot
    ├── dotnet5react
    │   ├── ClientApp
    │   ├── Controllers
    │   ├── Dockerfile
    │   ├── Pages
    │   ├── Program.cs
    │   ├── Properties
    │   ├── Startup.cs
    │   ├── WeatherForecast.cs
    │   ├── appsettings.Development.json
    │   ├── appsettings.json
    │   ├── dotnet5react.csproj
    │   ├── dotnet5react.sln
    │   ├── log.cs
    │   └── obj
    ├── dotnet5react-redux
    │   ├── ClientApp
    │   ├── Controllers
    │   ├── Dockerfile
    │   ├── Pages
    │   ├── Program.cs
    │   ├── Properties
    │   ├── Startup.cs
    │   ├── WeatherForecast.cs
    │   ├── appsettings.Development.json
    │   ├── appsettings.json
    │   ├── dotnet5react-redux.csproj
    │   └── dotnet5react-redux.sln
    └── dotnet5webapp
        ├── Dockerfile
        ├── Pages
        ├── Program.cs
        ├── Properties
        ├── Startup.cs
        ├── appsettings.Development.json
        ├── appsettings.json
        ├── dotnet5webapp.csproj
        ├── dotnet5webapp.sln
        └── wwwroot

38 directories, 51 files

So, Move2Kube has created all the deployment artifacts which are present inside the ./myproject directory. The ./myproject/source directory looks very similar to the directory dotnet5 that we gave as input to Move2Kube. But, Move2Kube has essentially instrumented the source code with additional files. For example, it has added the Dockerfile for each of the transformed services and with these dockerfiles the applications can be containerized and then deployed to a Kubernetes cluster.

Deploying the application to Kubernetes with the generated target artifacts

  1. Let’s get inside the ./myproject directory.

      $ cd myproject/
      $ ls deploy    scripts   source
  2. Next we run the script inside the ./myproject/scripts directory. This step may take some time to complete.

     $ cd scripts
     $ ./
     [1/2] STEP 1/7: FROM AS builder
     [1/2] STEP 2/7: WORKDIR /src
     --> Using cache d1926570d7a610945da9057c04ddf60c23a1030f344dc62eb82a31ba0d42bed2
     --> d1926570d7a
     [1/2] STEP 3/7: COPY . .
     --> Using cache 3593fc41a77a76df0e1bc15715990cecffdf4ae24dcd57df772b3465d9d10f53
     --> 3593fc41a77
     [1/2] STEP 4/7: RUN mkdir app
     --> Using cache 6b5c375d46df984c99adabf28bedab6afd5a309b8ce3a372fad5929da741ba37
     --> 6b5c375d46d
     [1/2] STEP 5/7: RUN dotnet restore dotnet5angular.csproj
     --> Using cache d9f3086339e4fa9510696cc33d6af9b3e022c3ab6a3797b20744c3616b821d0c
     --> d9f3086339e
     [1/2] STEP 6/7: RUN curl -o setup_10.x &&     bash setup_10.x &&     apt-get install -y build-essential nodejs
     --> Using cache 71a9b96d0549f313f09b5e90c23cd580b66ec1d829e0a380a8db41e6d4198c10
     --> 71a9b96d054
     [1/2] STEP 7/7: RUN dotnet publish dotnet5angular.csproj -c Release -o /src/app/publish
     --> Using cache 7f5deecfba502398540b90a73541874bf7a4a50a07524cc8320fcf46f8c82ee9
     --> 7f5deecfba5
     [2/2] STEP 1/6: FROM
     [2/2] STEP 2/6: WORKDIR /app
     --> Using cache c843aafccaaed89f76c5b5f906d811f5bc2c4316856e3daa9b0761c2672f222c
     --> c843aafccaa
     [2/2] STEP 3/6: EXPOSE 5000
     --> Using cache 54a3b726dcfb236ec8a6b474d45354fe9076015389503e09f5f356226bf459cc
     --> 54a3b726dcf
     [2/2] STEP 4/6: ENV ASPNETCORE_URLS=http://+:5000
     --> Using cache f821c90b7bea4c8473d0f0565c8afcc1709a85de1bfe4458211956c6b79a67ef
     --> f821c90b7be
     [2/2] STEP 5/6: COPY --from=builder /src/app/publish .
     --> Using cache 4a7ffdd712359b6b018b26f2ebb09e01ba400b6862507bd70223852a1285c642
     --> 4a7ffdd7123
     [2/2] STEP 6/6: CMD ["dotnet", "dotnet5angular.dll"]
     --> Using cache bfaead65def42103a1d5aaf4fa1b06d6be874b216e190614618a37ead13248fb
     [2/2] COMMIT dotnet5angular
     --> bfaead65def
     Successfully tagged localhost/dotnet5angular:latest
     [1/2] STEP 1/7: FROM AS builder
     [1/2] STEP 2/7: WORKDIR /src
     --> Using cache d1926570d7a610945da9057c04ddf60c23a1030f344dc62eb82a31ba0d42bed2
     --> d1926570d7a
     [1/2] STEP 3/7: COPY . .
     --> Using cache 92870100a90703664900aebacef35d0104f40154dd24df7d227c3de8af935d97
     --> 92870100a90
     [1/2] STEP 4/7: RUN mkdir app
     --> Using cache 2c049f9bd9efa5d3c847e1de3b68514158c45e1c5754f5180a3a1cf4b418dd92
     --> 2c049f9bd9e
     [1/2] STEP 5/7: RUN dotnet restore dotnet5react.csproj
     --> Using cache 8f181b1b25a49666a999edd22a7f8d5b7b334d2961cb795133e372c78c0eae96
     --> 8f181b1b25a
     [1/2] STEP 6/7: RUN curl -o setup_10.x &&     bash setup_10.x &&     apt-get install -y build-essential nodejs
     --> Using cache deba3a713958ae310b04f93c92b138ab33d39c5198c03ff9f2c62dda1a5e6095
     --> deba3a71395
     [1/2] STEP 7/7: RUN dotnet publish dotnet5react.csproj -c Release -o /src/app/publish
     --> Using cache a44da7d550a108d66cf8311f1c3f4813520b777df9d69d7b7c8e0ebebd5b92d1
     --> a44da7d550a
     [2/2] STEP 1/6: FROM
     [2/2] STEP 2/6: WORKDIR /app
     --> Using cache c843aafccaaed89f76c5b5f906d811f5bc2c4316856e3daa9b0761c2672f222c
     --> c843aafccaa
     [2/2] STEP 3/6: EXPOSE 5000
     --> Using cache 54a3b726dcfb236ec8a6b474d45354fe9076015389503e09f5f356226bf459cc
     --> 54a3b726dcf
     [2/2] STEP 4/6: ENV ASPNETCORE_URLS=http://+:5000
     --> Using cache f821c90b7bea4c8473d0f0565c8afcc1709a85de1bfe4458211956c6b79a67ef
     --> f821c90b7be
     [2/2] STEP 5/6: COPY --from=builder /src/app/publish .
     --> Using cache 219fed27ab510fc9767f69f733443ef07483027be1f96fcc252e46ac4f5b1b70
     --> 219fed27ab5
     [2/2] STEP 6/6: CMD ["dotnet", "dotnet5react.dll"]
     --> Using cache a2f7eae2981cc0c7a8c843c017457e761b55afc26321616e6d99b31a2eadffa4
     [2/2] COMMIT dotnet5react
     --> a2f7eae2981
     Successfully tagged localhost/dotnet5react:latest
     [1/2] STEP 1/7: FROM AS builder
     [1/2] STEP 2/7: WORKDIR /src
     --> Using cache d1926570d7a610945da9057c04ddf60c23a1030f344dc62eb82a31ba0d42bed2
     --> d1926570d7a
     [1/2] STEP 3/7: COPY . .
     --> Using cache 8ebf36b68a9eba59618911849554f61a5040b11102fb498ed54d110549b4a1dc
     --> 8ebf36b68a9
     [1/2] STEP 4/7: RUN mkdir app
     --> Using cache 8336566b56a2d64f6198107edbfd29a62fe34f9e3827a4fdad7a268b61302d8c
     --> 8336566b56a
     [1/2] STEP 5/7: RUN dotnet restore dotnet5react-redux.csproj
     --> Using cache f27fbe5bd7809033734ed557ea7b180266865ea62756bc5160faacc0fc68f2e0
     --> f27fbe5bd78
     [1/2] STEP 6/7: RUN curl -o setup_10.x &&     bash setup_10.x &&     apt-get install -y build-essential nodejs
     --> Using cache 7891b1551dc508625ef6ca1767e63fc745e1fd2fd1194ec3b66075b259ad1368
     --> 7891b1551dc
     [1/2] STEP 7/7: RUN dotnet publish dotnet5react-redux.csproj -c Release -o /src/app/publish
     --> Using cache f3f81341502db6f921de5d49f10d9ef8295de7b288021559b58f681cd33a5151
     --> f3f81341502
     [2/2] STEP 1/6: FROM
     [2/2] STEP 2/6: WORKDIR /app
     --> Using cache c843aafccaaed89f76c5b5f906d811f5bc2c4316856e3daa9b0761c2672f222c
     --> c843aafccaa
     [2/2] STEP 3/6: EXPOSE 5000
     --> Using cache 54a3b726dcfb236ec8a6b474d45354fe9076015389503e09f5f356226bf459cc
     --> 54a3b726dcf
     [2/2] STEP 4/6: ENV ASPNETCORE_URLS=http://+:5000
     --> Using cache f821c90b7bea4c8473d0f0565c8afcc1709a85de1bfe4458211956c6b79a67ef
     --> f821c90b7be
     [2/2] STEP 5/6: COPY --from=builder /src/app/publish .
     --> Using cache ec3f3ff41508d0f77d2295ec1b8a1aba5e87dffe277a0624fda4564c0ad67f54
     --> ec3f3ff4150
     [2/2] STEP 6/6: CMD ["dotnet", "dotnet5react-redux.dll"]
     --> Using cache ca7f612ddd72d54352a86780e5d2afe90d19a3a28bca0c2dcaf308d51f38f745
     [2/2] COMMIT dotnet5react-redux
     --> ca7f612ddd7
     Successfully tagged localhost/dotnet5react-redux:latest
     [1/2] STEP 1/6: FROM AS builder
     [1/2] STEP 2/6: WORKDIR /src
     --> Using cache d1926570d7a610945da9057c04ddf60c23a1030f344dc62eb82a31ba0d42bed2
     --> d1926570d7a
     [1/2] STEP 3/6: COPY . .
     --> Using cache 595b1552996ad3e8b3645b83871fc31bd6fe414a4225f25354f9c64e1aaeb05b
     --> 595b1552996
     [1/2] STEP 4/6: RUN mkdir app
     --> Using cache dc8a29f1f85b391c9eb80c04b3d70c45491fef8ff6d7bb28a56fcb1aee4053e9
     --> dc8a29f1f85
     [1/2] STEP 5/6: RUN dotnet restore dotnet5webapp.csproj
     --> Using cache e6041315f657d10dabd5efe12c3f870486906750219405007b02464521aa3950
     --> e6041315f65
     [1/2] STEP 6/6: RUN dotnet publish dotnet5webapp.csproj -c Release -o /src/app/publish
     --> Using cache f50e0d617960c1c3f4cfdfbb39d413cd537b89c5422a45cf8738464c8e5b1f3d
     --> f50e0d61796
     [2/2] STEP 1/6: FROM
     [2/2] STEP 2/6: WORKDIR /app
     --> Using cache c843aafccaaed89f76c5b5f906d811f5bc2c4316856e3daa9b0761c2672f222c
     --> c843aafccaa
     [2/2] STEP 3/6: EXPOSE 5000
     --> Using cache 54a3b726dcfb236ec8a6b474d45354fe9076015389503e09f5f356226bf459cc
     --> 54a3b726dcf
     [2/2] STEP 4/6: ENV ASPNETCORE_URLS=http://+:5000
     --> Using cache f821c90b7bea4c8473d0f0565c8afcc1709a85de1bfe4458211956c6b79a67ef
     --> f821c90b7be
     [2/2] STEP 5/6: COPY --from=builder /src/app/publish .
     --> Using cache fc48c345e77eadbf994b567db6cae594c1212cb768b392b86470521be13fbe1e
     --> fc48c345e77
     [2/2] STEP 6/6: CMD ["dotnet", "dotnet5webapp.dll"]
     --> Using cache 564f1f4a6cb6437c428d72f0c607281bacd9ffe3913c8dde6b64ad9c32832c7a
     [2/2] COMMIT dotnet5webapp
     --> 564f1f4a6cb
     Successfully tagged localhost/dotnet5webapp:latest
  3. Now using the script we can push our applications images to the registry that we specified during the transform phase. For this step, you are required to log in to your Docker registry. To log in to, run podman login (or docker login, depending upon the container runtime selected during transform phase). To log in to IBM Cloud registry refer here.

     $ ./

    NOTE: If you have pushed the image repository to, then in the Repository’s Visibility in repository’s Settings, select whether you want the repository to be public or private so that it can be properly accessed by the Kubernetes cluster.

  4. Finally we are going to deploy the application with kubectl apply command using the yaml files which Move2Kube has created for us inside the ./myproject/deploy/yamls directory. Move2Kube has created deployment artifacts, service artifacts and ingress artifact for all the services.

     $ cd ..
     $ kubectl apply -f deploy/yamls
     deployment.apps/dotnet5angular created
     service/dotnet5angular created
     deployment.apps/dotnet5react created
     deployment.apps/dotnet5react-redux created
     service/dotnet5react-redux created
     service/dotnet5react created
     deployment.apps/dotnet5webapp created
     service/dotnet5webapp created created

    Now our application is accessible on the cluster. You can check the status of pods by running the command mentioned below.

     $ kubectl get pods
     NAME                           READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
     dotnet5angular-746b886f85-jjprw      1/1     Running            0          45s
     dotnet5angular-746b886f85-tfv8r      1/1     Running            0          45s
     dotnet5react-866bdb54cf-87n6v        1/1     Running            0          38s
     dotnet5react-866bdb54cf-g9vbk        1/1     Running            0          38s
     dotnet5react-redux-5d95d8789-v4dfn   1/1     Running            0          34s
     dotnet5react-redux-5d95d8789-vz47d   1/1     Running            0          34s
     dotnet5webapp-5c88c67bf-cdmf2        1/1     Running            0          26s
     dotnet5webapp-5c88c67bf-j68hd        1/1     Running            0          26s

    Now, you can see that the deployment and service and ingress have been created. By running the below command we can get the ingress to see the URL where the app has been deployed to.

     $ kubectl get ingress myproject

    dotnet5webapp dotnet5webapp

    dotnet5angular dotnet5angular

    dotnet5react dotnet5react

    dotnet5react-redux dotnet5react-redux


In this tutorial, we learnt how to quickly migrate multiple .NET Core applications to Kubernetes using the target artifacts generated by Move2Kube.