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A Starlark class based transformer allows for writing a full fledged transformer in starlark by implementing the directory_detect and transform functions.

Here are some starlark transformer examples: add-custom-files-directories-in-custom-locations, add-custom-kubernetes-annotation, cloud-foundry-to-ce-iks-roks, custom-default-transformer, custom-m2kcollect-yaml-file-to-csv-file.

Functions to implement

  • directory_detect() - It should be implemented to check if there are relevant files in the directory to invoke the transformer. See example here.
  • transform() - It should be implemented to make changes on the input artifacts and output relevant artifacts for the rest of the transformation journey. See example here.

More details can be found here.

In-built functions

Move2Kube also makes available many functions, which can be used by transformer developers in the custom transformers.

QA Engine

The functions related to QA Engine are packaged within m2k package and they should be invoked with the package name.

  • query() - Used to prompt Users for input. The function takes two arguments.

First is a dictionary with key as variables in the QAEngine’s Problem interface and value as value of the variables.

Variable (dict key) Value (dict value) Type
id Unique ID for the prompt string
type Type of the input. Input for single line input type, Select for single select input type, MultiSelect for multi-select input type, MultiLineInput for multiline input type, Password for password input type, and Confirm for yes/no input type. string
description Question text string
hints List of hints []string
options List of options to choose from usually used for Select and MultiSelect input types. []string
default Default input value if the user provide no input type same as input type

Example :

regUrl = m2k.query({"id": "",
                    "type": "Input",
                    "description": "Enter the URL of the image registry where the new images should be pushed : ",
                    "hints": ["example images registries are and"],
                    "default": ""

Second argument which is optional is the validator function name as string. If the input from the user does not comply with the provided validator function then question is asked until the expected input is received.

Example :

def imageRegistryValidator(input):
    if input == "":
        return "Image registry URL cannot be empty."

regUrl = m2k.query({"id": "",
                    "type": "Input",
                    "description": "Enter the URL of the image registry where the new images should be pushed : ",
                    "hints": ["example images registries are and"]
                    }, "imageRegistryValidator")

File system

Move2Kube provides a set a functions in starlark for filesystem based operations. The functions are packaged within fs package and they should be invoked with the package name.

Function name in starlark Purpose Arguments Returns
exists Check if the provided file exists or not filepath as string boolean
read Reads the given file filepath as string string
read_dir Obtain list of files names in a directory directory path as string []string
is_dir Check if the given path is a directory or not path as string boolean
get_yamls_with_type_meta Return files by yaml kind path to directory containing yamls as string
kind of yamls required as string
find_xml_path Return XML value based on the XPath expression in the given XML file path to XML file as string
XPath expression
get_files_with_pattern Get files in the given directory with a particular extension path to directory as string
extension as string
path_join Join two paths first as path as string
second path as string
write Write data to a file and returns number of bytes written path to a file as string
data to be written as a string
file permissions (optional) as an integer
path_base Return last element of the given path path as string string
path_rel Return relative path base path as string
target path as string

Example :

isExists = fs.exists("path/to/the/file")
fileContent ="path/to/the/file")
ListOfFiles = fs.read_dir("path/to/the/directory")
isDirectory = fs.is_dir("path/to/the/directory")
yamlFiles = fs.get_yamls_with_type_meta("path/to/the/directory", "kind of resource")
XMLValue = fs.find_xml_path("path/to/XML/file", "XPath/expression")
FilesWithExt = fs.get_files_with_pattern("path/to/the/directory", ["txt", "yaml"])
path = fs.path_join("base/path", "/relative/path")
numberOfBytesWritten = fs.write("path/to/the/file", "some data", 777)
basePath = fs.path_base("some/path")
relativePath = fs.path_rel("base/path", "target/path")

Golang Template


Function name in starlark Purpose Arguments Returns
eval_template Evaluate and fill the Golang template using some data Template (string)
Data to fill the template (dict)


my_template = """
name: "{{ .Name }}"
{{- if .EnvVolumes }}
  {{- range $k, $v := .EnvVolumes}}
    {{- range $vk, $vv := $v}}
    {{$vk}}: "{{$vv}}"
    {{- end}}
  {{- end}}
{{- end}}
data = {
    "Name": "John Doe",
    "EnvVolumes": {
        "foo": {
            "a": "b",
            "c": "d",
        "bar": {
            "e": "f",
            "g": "h",
filled_template = template.eval_template(my_template, data)


Move2Kube provides a set a functions in starlark for Cryptography. The functions are packaged within crypto package and they should be invoked with the package name.

Function name in starlark Purpose Arguments Returns
enc_aes_cbc_pbkdf Encrypt the data using AES 256 CBC mode with Pbkdf key derivation and return the cipher text key as string
data as string
enc_rsa_cert Encrypt the data using RSA PKCS1v15 algorithm with certificate as key and return cipher text certificate as string
data as string

Example :

cipher = crypto.enc_aes_cbc_pbkdf("some key", "some data to be encrypted")
cipher = crypto.enc_rsa_cert("some certificate", "some data to be encrypted")


Move2Kube provides a set a functions in starlark for Archival. The functions are packaged within archive package and they should be invoked with the package name.

Function name in starlark Purpose Arguments Returns
arch_tar_gzip_str archive a set of files and compression using gzip and return the digest path to the directory containing the files as string string
arch_tar_str archive a set of files and compression without compression and and return the digest path to the directory containing files as string string

Example :

digest = archive.arch_tar_gzip_str("path/to/some/directory")
digest = archive.arch_tar_str("path/to/some/directory")


Move2Kube provides variables which expose values required by the transformer.

  • source_dir - Exposes the source path in the environment.
  • context_dir - Exposes the context path in the environment.
  • temp_dir - Exposes the environment temporary path.
  • templates_reldir - Exposes the relative path to the templates directory.
  • config - Exposes the transformer meta data.
  • resources_dir - Exposes the path to the resources directory.
  • output_dir - Exposes the path to the output directory where the transformer output artifacts are produced.