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Migrating and deploying Cloud Foundry applications to Kubernetes


This document takes us through the steps that will help you install Move2Kube and use Move2Kube’s 3 step process (collect, plan and transform) to create deployment artifacts for Cloud Foundry apps. Here, we are going to use the data from samples/cloud-foundry.


$ move2kube transform -s cloud-foundry

Move2Kube will automatically analyse all the artifacts in the cloud-foundry directory and transform and create all artifacts required for deploying the application in Kubernetes.


  1. A source directory which contains the source code files and/or the manifest.yml file of a Cloud Foundry application.

    A sample of this is present in the move2kube-demos repository. In this tutorial, we will be using the cloud-foundry sample from this repository.

     $ curl | bash -s -- -d samples/cloud-foundry -r move2kube-demos

    Let’s see the structure inside the ./cloud-foundry directory. The cloud-foundry directory contains the source code files and the manifest.yml file.

      $ tree cloud-foundry
      ├── cfnodejsapp
      │   ├── main.js
      │   ├── manifest.yml
      │   ├── package-lock.json
      │   └── package.json
      └── m2k_collect
       └── cf
           └── cfapps.yaml
  2. Install Move2Kube

  3. Install a container runtime: Docker or Podman

  4. Install Kubectl

    To verify that dependencies were correctly installed you can run the below commands.

    $ move2kube version
    $ docker version


    $ podman info
    $ kubectl version
  5. Install the Cloud Foundry CLI

  6. To demonstrate how to use Move2Kube to migrate a Cloud Foundry (CF) application to Kubernetes, we will be using the source code inside the cloud-foundry/cfnodejsapp directory. If you want to try out Move2Kube on your CF application, then in place of our sample cloud-foundry directory, you should provide the correct path of the source directory (containing the source code and/or manifest files) of your CF application to Move2Kube during the plan phase.

  7. Optional: We will deploy a simple nodejs application into CF. If you have a running CF app already you may use that instead. Provision a CF app with the name cfnodejsapp using your cloud provider (Ex: IBM Cloud).

    1. Make note of the API endpoint (API endpoints for the IBM Cloud Foundry service can be found here).
    2. Login to CF using
       $ cf login -a <YOUR CF API endpoint>
    3. Run the below commands to deploy the sample application to Cloud Foundry. The source code of the sample application is present inside ./cloud-foundry/cfnodejsapp folder.

       $ cf push -f ./cloud-foundry/cfnodejsapp -p ./cloud-foundry/cfnodejsapp
    4. You can visit the URL of the application (you can get this by running cf apps) to see it running.

Steps to generate target artifacts

Now that we have a running CF app we can transform it using Move2Kube. We will be using the three stage process (collect, plan and transform) for the transformation. Run these steps from the directory where cloud-foundry directory is present:

  1. Optional: This step is required only if you are interested in metadata such as environment variables from a running Cloud Foundry instance. For this tutorial, if you don’t have the apps running on Cloud Foundry, you can use the m2k_collect directly that comes with the sample. We will first collect some data about your running CF applications. Here we will limit the collect to only Cloud Foundry information using the -a cf annotation flag. By default, move2kube collect collects the information of all the apps that are deployed on Cloud Foundry. But, it is also possible to collect the information of some specific application(s) deployed on Cloud Foundry using move2kube collect and there is a detailed tutorial about it here.

     $ cf login -a <YOUR CF API endpoint>
     $ move2kube collect -a cf
     INFO[0000] Begin collection                             
     INFO[0000] [*collector.CfAppsCollector] Begin collection 
     INFO[0013] [*collector.CfAppsCollector] Done            
     INFO[0013] [*collector.CfServicesCollector] Begin collection 
     INFO[0027] [*collector.CfServicesCollector] Done        
     INFO[0027] Collection done                              
     INFO[0027] Collect Output in [/Users/username/m2k_collect]. Copy this directory into the source directory to be used for planning.
    • The data we collected will be stored in a new directory called ./m2k_collect.
     $ ls m2k_collect
    • The ./m2k_collect/cf directory contains the yaml file which has the runtime information of the particular application that you are trying to transform. There is information about the buildpacks that are supported, the memory, the number of instances and the ports that are supported. If there are environment variables, it collects that information too.

    • Move the ./m2k_collect/cf directory into the source directory ./cloud-foundry.

     $ mv m2k_collect cloud-foundry/
  2. Then we create a plan on how to transform your app to run on Kubernetes. In the plan phase, it is going to combine the runtime metadata (if present) with source artifacts and come up with a plan for us. Here, we provide to Move2Kube the path to the source directory (containing the source code and/or manifest files of CF application) using the -s flag.

     $ move2kube plan -s cloud-foundry
     INFO[0000] Loading Configuration                        
     INFO[0000] [*configuration.ClusterMDLoader] Loading configuration 
     INFO[0000] [*configuration.ClusterMDLoader] Done        
     INFO[0000] Configuration loading done                   
     INFO[0000] Planning Transformation - Base Directory     
     INFO[0000] [DockerfileDetector] Planning transformation 
     INFO[0000] [DockerfileDetector] Done                    
     INFO[0000] [ComposeAnalyser] Planning transformation    
     INFO[0000] [ComposeAnalyser] Done                       
     INFO[0000] [ZuulAnalyser] Planning transformation       
     INFO[0000] [ZuulAnalyser] Done                          
     INFO[0000] [CloudFoundry] Planning transformation       
     INFO[0000] Identified 1 namedservices and 0 unnamed transformer plans 
     INFO[0000] [CloudFoundry] Done                          
     INFO[0000] [Base Directory] Identified 1 namedservices and 0 unnamed transformer plans 
     INFO[0000] Transformation planning - Base Directory done 
     INFO[0000] Planning Transformation - Directory Walk     
     INFO[0000] Identified 1 namedservices and 0 unnamed transformer plans in . 
     INFO[0000] Transformation planning - Directory Walk done 
     INFO[0000] [Directory Walk] Identified 1 namedservices and 0 unnamed transformer plans 
     INFO[0000] [Named Services] Identified 1 namedservices  
     INFO[0000] No of services identified : 1                
     INFO[0000] Plan can be found at [/Users/username/m2k.plan].
    • It has created a m2k.plan which is essentially a yaml file. Let’s see what is inside the plan file.
     $ cat m2k.plan
     # click to see the full plan yaml
     kind: Plan
       kind: Plan
         name: myproject
         sourceDir: cloud-foundry
             - transformerName: CloudFoundry
                   - cfnodejsapp/manifest.yml
                   - m2k_collect/cf/cfapps.yaml
                   - cfnodejsapp
                   serviceName: cfnodejsapp
                   - Nodejs-Dockerfile
             - transformerName: Nodejs-Dockerfile
                   - cfnodejsapp
           Buildconfig: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/kubernetes/buildconfig/buildconfig.yaml
           CloudFoundry: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/cloudfoundry/cloudfoundry.yaml
           ClusterSelector: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/kubernetes/clusterselector/clusterselector.yaml
           ComposeAnalyser: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/compose/composeanalyser/composeanalyser.yaml
           ComposeGenerator: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/compose/composegenerator/composegenerator.yaml
           ContainerImagesPushScriptGenerator: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/containerimage/containerimagespushscript/containerimagespushscript.yaml
           DockerfileDetector: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/dockerfile/dockerfiledetector/dockerfiledetector.yaml
           DockerfileImageBuildScript: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/dockerfile/dockerimagebuildscript/dockerfilebuildscriptgenerator.yaml
           DockerfileParser: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/dockerfile/dockerfileparser/dockerfileparser.yaml
           DotNetCore-Dockerfile: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/dockerfilegenerator/dotnetcore/dotnetcore.yaml
           EarAnalyser: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/dockerfilegenerator/java/earanalyser/ear.yaml
           EarRouter: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/dockerfilegenerator/java/earrouter/earrouter.yaml
           Golang-Dockerfile: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/dockerfilegenerator/golang/golang.yaml
           Gradle: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/dockerfilegenerator/java/gradle/gradle.yaml
           Jar: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/dockerfilegenerator/java/jar/jar.yaml
           Jboss: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/dockerfilegenerator/java/jboss/jboss.yaml
           Knative: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/kubernetes/knative/knative.yaml
           Kubernetes: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/kubernetes/kubernetes/kubernetes.yaml
           KubernetesVersionChanger: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/kubernetes/kubernetesversionchanger/kubernetesversionchanger.yaml
           Liberty: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/dockerfilegenerator/java/liberty/liberty.yaml
           Maven: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/dockerfilegenerator/java/maven/maven.yaml
           Nodejs-Dockerfile: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/dockerfilegenerator/nodejs/nodejs.yaml
           PHP-Dockerfile: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/dockerfilegenerator/php/php.yaml
           Parameterizer: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/kubernetes/parameterizer/parameterizer.yaml
           Python-Dockerfile: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/dockerfilegenerator/python/python.yaml
           ReadMeGenerator: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/readmegenerator/readmegenerator.yaml
           Ruby-Dockerfile: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/dockerfilegenerator/ruby/ruby.yaml
           Rust-Dockerfile: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/dockerfilegenerator/rust/rust.yaml
           Tekton: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/kubernetes/tekton/tekton.yaml
           Tomcat: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/dockerfilegenerator/java/tomcat/tomcat.yaml
           WarAnalyser: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/dockerfilegenerator/java/waranalyser/war.yaml
           WarRouter: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/dockerfilegenerator/java/warrouter/warrouter.yaml
           WinConsoleApp-Dockerfile: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/dockerfilegenerator/windows/winconsole/winconsole.yaml
           WinSLWebApp-Dockerfile: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/dockerfilegenerator/windows/winsilverlightweb/winsilverlightweb.yaml
           WinWebApp-Dockerfile: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/dockerfilegenerator/windows/winweb/winweb.yaml
           ZuulAnalyser: m2kassets/built-in/transformers/dockerfilegenerator/java/zuul/zuulanalyser.yaml
    • In the plan, you can see that Move2Kube has detected the cfnodejsapp service, which is the name of our sample CF application from it’s manifest.yml.
    • And the plan file is saying that the application can be transformed using two transformers CloudFoundry or Nodejs-Dockerfile.
    • It can use the source artifacts manifest.yaml and also the runtime information from cfapps.yaml and combine all of them and do the transformation.
  3. Let’s invoke move2kube transform on this plan.

     $ move2kube transform
     INFO[0000] Detected a plan file at path /Users/username/m2k.plan. Will transform using this plan. 
     ? Select all transformer types that you are interested in:
     [Services that don't support any of the transformer types you are interested in will be ignored.]
         [Use arrows to move, space to select, <right> to all, <left> to none, type to filter]
       > [✓]  Jboss
         [✓]  Kubernetes
         [✓]  Liberty
         [✓]  ZuulAnalyser
         [✓]  CloudFoundry
         [✓]  DockerfileParser
         [✓]  Golang-Dockerfile
         [✓]  Gradle
         [✓]  Python-Dockerfile
         [✓]  ReadMeGenerator
         [✓]  ContainerImagesPushScriptGenerator
         [✓]  DotNetCore-Dockerfile
         [✓]  Parameterizer
         [✓]  Tekton
         [✓]  WinSLWebApp-Dockerfile
         [✓]  Buildconfig
         [✓]  ClusterSelector
         [✓]  ComposeAnalyser
         [✓]  PHP-Dockerfile
         [✓]  Ruby-Dockerfile
         [✓]  WinConsoleApp-Dockerfile
         [✓]  DockerfileImageBuildScript
         [✓]  EarRouter
         [✓]  Rust-Dockerfile
         [✓]  Tomcat
         [✓]  WarAnalyser
         [✓]  EarAnalyser
         [✓]  Knative
         [✓]  Maven
         [✓]  WinWebApp-Dockerfile
         [✓]  ComposeGenerator
         [✓]  Jar
         [✓]  DockerfileDetector
         [✓]  KubernetesVersionChanger
         [✓]  Nodejs-Dockerfile
         [✓]  WarRouter
    • Let’s go ahead with the default answer by pressing return or enter key.
     Jboss, Kubernetes, Liberty, ZuulAnalyser, CloudFoundry, DockerfileParser, Golang-Dockerfile, Gradle, Python-Dockerfile, ReadMeGenerator, ContainerImagesPushScriptGenerator, DotNetCore-Dockerfile, Parameterizer, Tekton, WinSLWebApp-Dockerfile, Buildconfig, ClusterSelector, ComposeAnalyser, PHP-Dockerfile, Ruby-Dockerfile, WinConsoleApp-Dockerfile, DockerfileImageBuildScript, EarRouter, Rust-Dockerfile, Tomcat, WarAnalyser, EarAnalyser, Knative, Maven, WinWebApp-Dockerfile, ComposeGenerator, Jar, DockerfileDetector, KubernetesVersionChanger, Nodejs-Dockerfile, WarRouter
     ? Select all services that are needed:
     [The services unselected here will be ignored.]
     [Use arrows to move, space to select, <right> to all, <left> to none, type to filter]
     > [✓]  cfnodejsapp
    • Here, we go ahead with the cfnodejsapp service.
     INFO[0275] Starting Plan Transformation                 
     INFO[0275] Iteration 1                                  
     INFO[0275] Iteration 2 - 1 artifacts to process         
     INFO[0275] Transformer CloudFoundry processing 1 artifacts 
     INFO[0275] Transformer ZuulAnalyser processing 2 artifacts 
     INFO[0275] Transformer ZuulAnalyser Done                
     INFO[0275] Transformer CloudFoundry Done                
     INFO[0275] Created 0 pathMappings and 3 artifacts. Total Path Mappings : 0. Total Artifacts : 1. 
     INFO[0275] Iteration 3 - 3 artifacts to process         
     INFO[0275] Transformer ClusterSelector processing 2 artifacts 
     ? Choose the cluster type:
     [Choose the cluster type you would like to target]
       [Use arrows to move, type to filter]
     > Kubernetes
    • Now, it asks to select the cluster type you want to deploy to. Here, we select the Kubernetes cluster type.
     INFO[0351] Transformer ClusterSelector Done             
     INFO[0351] Transformer Kubernetes processing 2 artifacts 
     ? What URL/path should we expose the service cfnodejsapp's 8080 port on?
     [Enter :- not expose the service, Leave out leading / to use first part as subdomain, Add :N as suffix for NodePort service type, Add :L for Load Balancer service type]
    • Let’s go ahead with the default answer by pressing return or enter key.
     ? Provide the minimum number of replicas each service should have
     [If the value is 0 pods won't be started by default]
    • Let’s go ahead with the default answer again, which means 2 replicas for each service.
     ? Enter the URL of the image registry : 
     [You can always change it later by changing the yamls.]
       [Use arrows to move, type to filter]
       Other (specify custom option)
    • Then it asks to select the registry where your images are hosted. Here, we are selecting Select ‘Other’ if your registry name is not here.
     ? Enter the namespace where the new images should be pushed :  
      [Ex : myproject]
      (myproject) m2k-tutorial
    • Input the namespace under which you want to deploy- m2k-tutorial. (Say, you have namespace m2k-tutorial in
     ? [] What type of container registry login do you want to use?
      [Docker login from config mode, will use the default config from your local machine.]
       [Use arrows to move, type to filter]
       Use existing pull secret
     > No authentication
    • Select the container registry login type.
     No authentication
     INFO[0841] Optimization done                            
     INFO[0841] Begin Optimization                           
     INFO[0841] Optimization done                            
     INFO[0841] Created 2 pathMappings and 2 artifacts. Total Path Mappings : 2. Total Artifacts : 3. 
     INFO[0841] Transformer Knative Done                     
     INFO[0841] Transformer Tekton processing 2 artifacts    
     INFO[0841] Begin Optimization                           
     INFO[0841] Optimization done                            
     INFO[0841] Generating Tekton pipeline for CI/CD         
     INFO[0841] No remote git repos detected. You might want to configure the git repository links manually.
     ? Provide the ingress host domain
      [Ingress host domain is part of service URL]
    • It is now asking for the ingress hosting domain. It can be grabbed from the cluster you are going to deploy to. The ingress hosting domain will differ based on the cluster you are fetching from.
     ? Provide the TLS secret for ingress
      [Leave empty to use http]
    • Then it asks information about your TLS secret. Here we go with the by-default by pressing the ‘return’ key.
     INFO[1094] Begin Optimization                           
     INFO[1094] Optimization done                            
     INFO[1094] Generating Tekton pipeline for CI/CD         
     INFO[1094] No remote git repos detected. You might want to configure the git repository links manually. 
     INFO[1094] Created 20 pathMappings and 2 artifacts. Total Path Mappings : 22. Total Artifacts : 3. 
     INFO[1094] Transformer Tekton Done                      
     INFO[1094] Transformer Buildconfig processing 2 artifacts 
     INFO[1094] Begin Optimization                           
     INFO[1094] Optimization done                            
     INFO[1094] Created 0 pathMappings and 0 artifacts. Total Path Mappings : 22. Total Artifacts : 3. 
     INFO[1094] Transformer Buildconfig Done                 
     INFO[1094] Transformer ComposeGenerator processing 2 artifacts 
     INFO[1094] Begin Optimization                           
     INFO[1094] Optimization done                            
     INFO[1094] Begin Optimization                           
     INFO[1094] Optimization done                            
     INFO[1094] Created 2 pathMappings and 0 artifacts. Total Path Mappings : 24. Total Artifacts : 3. 
     INFO[1094] Transformer ComposeGenerator Done            
     INFO[1094] Transformer Kubernetes processing 2 artifacts 
     INFO[1094] Begin Optimization                           
     INFO[1094] Optimization done                            
     INFO[1094] Total transformed objects : 3                
     INFO[1094] Begin Optimization                           
     INFO[1094] Optimization done                            
     INFO[1094] Total transformed objects : 3                
     INFO[1094] Created 2 pathMappings and 2 artifacts. Total Path Mappings : 26. Total Artifacts : 3. 
     INFO[1094] Transformer Kubernetes Done                  
     INFO[1094] Transformer Nodejs-Dockerfile processing 1 artifacts
     ? Select port to be exposed for the service cfnodejsapp :
     [Select Other if you want to expose the service cfnodejsapp to some other port]
       [Use arrows to move, type to filter]
     > 8080
       Other (specify custom option)
    • Select the port on which you want to expose the cfnodejsapp service.
     INFO[1184] Created 2 pathMappings and 2 artifacts. Total Path Mappings : 28. Total Artifacts : 3. 
     INFO[1184] Transformer Nodejs-Dockerfile Done           
     INFO[1184] Iteration 4                                  
     INFO[1184] Transformer ReadMeGenerator processing 4 artifacts 
     INFO[1184] Created 1 pathMappings and 0 artifacts. Total Path Mappings : 29. Total Artifacts : 11. 
     INFO[1184] Transformer ReadMeGenerator Done             
     INFO[1184] Transformer DockerfileImageBuildScript processing 2 artifacts 
     ? Select the container runtime to use :
     [The container runtime selected will be used in the scripts]
       [Use arrows to move, type to filter]
     > docker
    • Select the container runtime you want to use.
     INFO[1184] Created 1 pathMappings and 2 artifacts. Total Path Mappings : 30. Total Artifacts : 11. 
     INFO[1184] Transformer DockerfileImageBuildScript Done  
     INFO[1184] Transformer DockerfileParser processing 1 artifacts 
     INFO[1184] Created 0 pathMappings and 1 artifacts. Total Path Mappings : 30. Total Artifacts : 11. 
     INFO[1184] Transformer DockerfileParser Done            
     INFO[1184] Transformer Parameterizer processing 4 artifacts 
     INFO[1184] Created 12 pathMappings and 0 artifacts. Total Path Mappings : 42. Total Artifacts : 11. 
     INFO[1184] Transformer Parameterizer Done               
     INFO[1184] Iteration 5                                  
     INFO[1184] Transformer Tekton processing 2 artifacts    
     INFO[1184] Begin Optimization                           
     INFO[1184] Optimization done                            
     INFO[1184] Generating Tekton pipeline for CI/CD         
     INFO[1184] No remote git repos detected. You might want to configure the git repository links manually. 
     INFO[1184] Begin Optimization                           
     INFO[1184] Optimization done                            
     INFO[1184] Generating Tekton pipeline for CI/CD         
     INFO[1184] No remote git repos detected. You might want to configure the git repository links manually. 
     INFO[1184] Created 20 pathMappings and 2 artifacts. Total Path Mappings : 62. Total Artifacts : 14. 
     INFO[1184] Transformer Tekton Done                      
     INFO[1184] Transformer Buildconfig processing 2 artifacts 
     INFO[1184] Begin Optimization                           
     INFO[1185] Optimization done                            
     INFO[1185] Created 0 pathMappings and 0 artifacts. Total Path Mappings : 62. Total Artifacts : 14. 
     INFO[1185] Transformer Buildconfig Done                 
     INFO[1185] Transformer ComposeGenerator processing 2 artifacts 
     INFO[1185] Begin Optimization                           
     INFO[1185] Optimization done                            
     INFO[1185] Begin Optimization                           
     INFO[1185] Optimization done                            
     INFO[1185] Created 2 pathMappings and 0 artifacts. Total Path Mappings : 64. Total Artifacts : 14. 
     INFO[1185] Transformer ComposeGenerator Done            
     INFO[1185] Transformer ContainerImagesPushScriptGenerator processing 2 artifacts 
     INFO[1185] Created 1 pathMappings and 1 artifacts. Total Path Mappings : 65. Total Artifacts : 14. 
     INFO[1185] Transformer ContainerImagesPushScriptGenerator Done 
     INFO[1185] Transformer Kubernetes processing 2 artifacts 
     INFO[1185] Begin Optimization                           
     INFO[1185] Optimization done                            
     INFO[1185] Total transformed objects : 3                
     INFO[1185] Begin Optimization                           
     INFO[1185] Optimization done                            
     INFO[1185] Total transformed objects : 3                
     INFO[1185] Created 2 pathMappings and 2 artifacts. Total Path Mappings : 67. Total Artifacts : 14. 
     INFO[1185] Transformer Kubernetes Done                  
     INFO[1185] Transformer ContainerImagesBuildScriptGenerator processing 2 artifacts 
     INFO[1185] Created 2 pathMappings and 1 artifacts. Total Path Mappings : 69. Total Artifacts : 14. 
     INFO[1185] Transformer ContainerImagesBuildScriptGenerator Done 
     INFO[1185] Transformer Knative processing 2 artifacts   
     INFO[1185] Begin Optimization                           
     INFO[1185] Optimization done                            
     INFO[1185] Begin Optimization                           
     INFO[1185] Optimization done                            
     INFO[1185] Created 2 pathMappings and 2 artifacts. Total Path Mappings : 71. Total Artifacts : 14. 
     INFO[1185] Transformer Knative Done                     
     INFO[1185] Iteration 6                                  
     INFO[1185] Transformer Parameterizer processing 4 artifacts 
     INFO[1185] Created 12 pathMappings and 0 artifacts. Total Path Mappings : 83. Total Artifacts : 22. 
     INFO[1185] Transformer Parameterizer Done               
     INFO[1185] Transformer ReadMeGenerator processing 6 artifacts 
     INFO[1185] Created 1 pathMappings and 0 artifacts. Total Path Mappings : 84. Total Artifacts : 22. 
     INFO[1185] Transformer ReadMeGenerator Done             
     INFO[1185] Plan Transformation done                     
     INFO[1185] Transformed target artifacts can be found at [/Users/username/github/move2kube-demos/samples/myproject].

Finally, the transformation is successful and the target artifacts can be found inside the ./myproject directory. The structure of the ./myproject directory can be seen by executing the below command.

# click to see the output
$  tree myproject
$  tree myproject
├── deploy
│   ├── cicd
│   │   ├── tekton
│   │   │   ├── cfnodejsapp-vcapasenv-secret.yaml
│   │   │   ├── myproject-clone-build-push-pipeline.yaml
│   │   │   ├── myproject-clone-push-serviceaccount.yaml
│   │   │   ├── myproject-git-event-triggerbinding.yaml
│   │   │   ├── myproject-git-repo-eventlistener.yaml
│   │   │   ├── myproject-image-registry-secret.yaml
│   │   │   ├── myproject-ingress.yaml
│   │   │   ├── myproject-run-clone-build-push-triggertemplate.yaml
│   │   │   ├── myproject-tekton-triggers-admin-role.yaml
│   │   │   ├── myproject-tekton-triggers-admin-rolebinding.yaml
│   │   │   └── myproject-tekton-triggers-admin-serviceaccount.yaml
│   │   └── tekton-parameterized
│   │       ├── helm-chart
│   │       │   └── myproject
│   │       │       ├── Chart.yaml
│   │       │       └── templates
│   │       │           ├── cfnodejsapp-vcapasenv-secret.yaml
│   │       │           ├── myproject-clone-build-push-pipeline.yaml
│   │       │           ├── myproject-clone-push-serviceaccount.yaml
│   │       │           ├── myproject-git-event-triggerbinding.yaml
│   │       │           ├── myproject-git-repo-eventlistener.yaml
│   │       │           ├── myproject-image-registry-secret.yaml
│   │       │           ├── myproject-ingress.yaml
│   │       │           ├── myproject-run-clone-build-push-triggertemplate.yaml
│   │       │           ├── myproject-tekton-triggers-admin-role.yaml
│   │       │           ├── myproject-tekton-triggers-admin-rolebinding.yaml
│   │       │           └── myproject-tekton-triggers-admin-serviceaccount.yaml
│   │       ├── kustomize
│   │       │   └── base
│   │       │       ├── cfnodejsapp-vcapasenv-secret.yaml
│   │       │       ├── kustomization.yaml
│   │       │       ├── myproject-clone-build-push-pipeline.yaml
│   │       │       ├── myproject-clone-push-serviceaccount.yaml
│   │       │       ├── myproject-git-event-triggerbinding.yaml
│   │       │       ├── myproject-git-repo-eventlistener.yaml
│   │       │       ├── myproject-image-registry-secret.yaml
│   │       │       ├── myproject-ingress.yaml
│   │       │       ├── myproject-run-clone-build-push-triggertemplate.yaml
│   │       │       ├── myproject-tekton-triggers-admin-role.yaml
│   │       │       ├── myproject-tekton-triggers-admin-rolebinding.yaml
│   │       │       └── myproject-tekton-triggers-admin-serviceaccount.yaml
│   │       └── openshift-template
│   │           └── template.yaml
│   ├── compose
│   │   └── docker-compose.yaml
│   ├── knative
│   │   └── cfnodejsapp-service.yaml
│   ├── knative-parameterized
│   │   ├── helm-chart
│   │   │   └── myproject
│   │   │       ├── Chart.yaml
│   │   │       └── templates
│   │   │           └── cfnodejsapp-service.yaml
│   │   ├── kustomize
│   │   │   └── base
│   │   │       ├── cfnodejsapp-service.yaml
│   │   │       └── kustomization.yaml
│   │   └── openshift-template
│   │       └── template.yaml
│   ├── yamls
│   │   ├── cfnodejsapp-deployment.yaml
│   │   ├── cfnodejsapp-service.yaml
│   │   ├── cfnodejsapp-vcapasenv-secret.yaml
│   │   └── myproject-ingress.yaml
│   └── yamls-parameterized
│       ├── helm-chart
│       │   └── myproject
│       │       ├── Chart.yaml
│       │       ├── templates
│       │       │   ├── cfnodejsapp-deployment.yaml
│       │       │   ├── cfnodejsapp-service.yaml
│       │       │   ├── cfnodejsapp-vcapasenv-secret.yaml
│       │       │   └── myproject-ingress.yaml
│       │       ├── values-dev.yaml
│       │       ├── values-prod.yaml
│       │       └── values-staging.yaml
│       ├── kustomize
│       │   ├── base
│       │   │   ├── cfnodejsapp-deployment.yaml
│       │   │   ├── cfnodejsapp-service.yaml
│       │   │   ├── cfnodejsapp-vcapasenv-secret.yaml
│       │   │   ├── kustomization.yaml
│       │   │   └── myproject-ingress.yaml
│       │   └── overlays
│       │       ├── dev
│       │       │   ├── apps-v1-deployment-cfnodejsapp.yaml
│       │       │   └── kustomization.yaml
│       │       ├── prod
│       │       │   ├── apps-v1-deployment-cfnodejsapp.yaml
│       │       │   └── kustomization.yaml
│       │       └── staging
│       │           ├── apps-v1-deployment-cfnodejsapp.yaml
│       │           └── kustomization.yaml
│       └── openshift-template
│           ├── parameters-dev.yaml
│           ├── parameters-prod.yaml
│           ├── parameters-staging.yaml
│           └── template.yaml
├── scripts
│   ├── builddockerimages.bat
│   ├──
│   ├── pushimages.bat
│   └──
└── source
    ├── cfnodejsapp
    │   ├── Dockerfile
    │   ├── main.js
    │   ├── manifest.yml
    │   ├── package-lock.json
    │   └── package.json
    └── m2k_collect
        └── cf
            └── cfapps.yaml

So, Move2Kube has created all the deployment artifacts which are present inside the ./myproject directory.

Deploying the application to Kubernetes with the generated target artifacts

  1. Let’s get inside the ./myproject directory.

      $ cd myproject/
      $ ls deploy    scripts   source
  2. Next we run the script inside the ./myproject/scripts directory. This step may take some time to complete.

     $ cd scripts
     $ ./
     [+] Building 7.1s (8/8) FINISHED                             
     => [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile    0.1s
     => => transferring dockerfile: 37B                     0.0s
     => [internal] load .dockerignore                       0.0s
     => => transferring context: 2B                         0.0s
     => [internal] load metadata for registry.access.redha  2.7s
     => [internal] load build context                       0.0s
     => => transferring context: 354B                       0.0s
     => CACHED [1/3] FROM  0.0s
     => [2/3] COPY . .                                      0.1s
     => [3/3] RUN npm install                               4.0s
     => exporting to image                                  0.1s
     => => exporting layers                                 0.0s
     => => writing image sha256:7bd59bff8763073644bd68cd3f  0.0s
     => => naming to          0.0s
  3. Now using the script we can push our applications images to the registry that we specified during the transform phase. For this step, you are required to log in to your Docker registry. To log in to run docker login To log in to IBM Cloud registry refer here.

     $ ./
     Using default tag: latest
     The push refers to repository []
     d98785f949ff: Layer already exists 
     2234a0b938d7: Layer already exists 
     967d006c4be4: Layer already exists 
     90c628b74ee4: Layer already exists 
     e7f8a4365a01: Layer already exists 
     a7be0896acef: Layer already exists 
     73eb3b4bebc5: Layer already exists 
     latest: digest: sha256:75283b09042b1454567b5e99d6d99374daad07fe46ee6843ace7dca29f085fd7 size: 1789

    NOTE: If you have pushed the image repository to, then in the Repository’s Visibility in cfnodejsapp repository’s Settings, select whether you want the repository cfnodejsapp to be public or private so that it can be properly accessed by the Kubernetes cluster.

  4. Finally we are going to deploy the application with kubectl apply command using the yaml files which Move2Kube has created for us inside the ./myproject/deploy/yamls directory.

     $ cd ..
     $ kubectl apply -f deploy/yamls
     deployment.apps/cfnodejsapp created
     service/cfnodejsapp created created

    Now our application is accessible on the cluster. You can check the status of pods by running the command mentioned below.

     $ kubectl get pods
     NAME                           READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
     cfnodejsapp-58d777bd44-8ct2m   1/1     Running   0          7s
     cfnodejsapp-58d777bd44-hq6lf   1/1     Running   0          7s

    We can get the ingress to see the URL where the app has been deployed to.

     $ kubectl get ingress myproject

    cfnodejsapp cfnodejsapp


So, that is a simple way where you were able to combine multiple information like runtime information, source information and cluster information, and do a holistic transformation of your Cloud Foundry app to Kubernetes.